influence theur actions.
Free Spirits have unique beliefs about life, politics, etc.
The Free Spirit in me drive hot pink car. Oh, and I have wall to wall hot pink carpet in my home. I am proud to be “not of the norm”, a free spirit. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I make a difference.
Growing up, looking back, I felt like a lost soul, and I was not sure where I belonged. I became a secretary, because that is what my mother wanted me to be. I took some college courses, and I began getting secretarial job. It was not me. I was confused, because I didn’t actually know who ME was. In m 30’s, I took a job with a bank, and I worked there for 5 years. I wore flowers in my hair ad bright bright colors everyday. I was most definitely not a “corporate looking” secretary.
In those 5 years that I worked there, I became more and more involved in my psychic psychic powers. I was fascinated (along with my co woekers by my psychic abilities. The more I explored my psychic powers, the more excited I was, and the stronger my abilities became. I was absolutely fascinated by my psychic abilties, but I was also afraid of them at the same time.I worried that I would not be able to control them, because I could be walking down the street, and I would go into a foggy moment in which I would see things. By the 5th year of me working in the bank,most everyone caught found out. People from other floors that I did not know were coming to my department and standing at my desk wanting readings.By this time, we had new management. They were not happy. The psychic things and the fact that I did not “look” corporate caused them to eventually let me go. That day was the best day of my life, because I was finally free to pursue the Free Spirit within me. I left, put an add in the LA Weekly advertising psychic readings as the Nice Jewish Psychic, and the rest is history.

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