I Am Body Proud Beautiful Sexy Goddess Perfectly Imperfect Whole & Complete !!

From Jeans In The Pool To Naked Beautiful -70+ Affirmations To Help Women Feel Good Naked
AS WOMEN, WE POSSESS WITHIN US OUR OWN NAKED GARDEN OF BEAUTY TO LOVE, CHERISH AND NURTURE.The 70+ affirmations below are NOT JUST GEARED FOR WOMEN IN NUDISM. They are ALSO geared for women who want to feel good naked under their clothes and in their own private chambers of love. When we are more confident, our intimate and romantic relationships begin to flourish in ways we never thought possible, and we begin the journey of loving ourselves through and through. This blog post is so important because I cannot tell you enough about the importance of loving our bodies.
I posted this to my blog about two years ago. I have since updated it after going to a Women In Nude Recreation luncheon at another nudist resort. There were quite a number of us of all sizes and ages, and we each talked about the importance of body acceptance within ourselves and within others. We each shared what being naked in a nudist environment meant to us. For me, it means that I no longer had to carry around the “body shame” that was unfortunately passed down to me by my ultra conservation Jewish mother (RIP) from India. She believed that you had to even cover yourself when you were intimate with someone. She carried around her body shame throughout her life. I was constantly criticized by her for all my imperfections. I had so much shame within me that I couldn’t even go into a swimming pool. I remember once going into a pool in the apartment building where I lived with jeans on. Discovering the nudist lifestyle at the age of 25 helped me to transform from “Body Shame” to “Body Glory”. She somehow transferred her “Body Shame” to me by constantly calling out my imperfections. That first nudist experience for me was a true spiritual awakening for me (and still is), and an important part of my spiritual and personal growth. I no longer had to hide my funny little baby toes, and wear jeans in the swimming pool.. I was free to express the perfectly imperfect me, and that is when my body, mind, spirit and soul came alive. I can now honestly say that I feel comfortable in my own skin. I know within the very depths of my soul that I am meant to be a nudist. In a nudist environment, there are many shapes and sizes; and, believe it or not, there is no judgement. I have come along way from the fearful girl was back then.An affirmation is a positive statement that you keep repeating out loud over and over again to create a certain situation. In order for it to be the most effective, please repeat these affirmations out loud at least 1/2 to 1 hour a day everyday in the shower, while driving, while getting dressed, etc for at least 21 days without skipping a day. It takes 21 days to shift a belief. The more we repeat it; the more we believe it.
- I am naked beautiful (my favorite one and for both men and women).
- I am in love with my beautiful naked body.
- I am allowing the experience of body glory to envelope me and nurture me.
- I am experiencing exhilarating body glory.
- I am free to be the naked beautiful Goddess that I am meant to be by divine right.
- I am nurturing my beautiful sacred garden of beauty (for women and referring to their yoni)
- Being a nudist fills me with pure joy (for men and women).
- I am joyously and divinely filled with body glory (for men and women).
- I am perfect as I am (for men and women).
- I am experiencing the awakening of the beautiful naked goddess within me.
- I am experiencing the awakening of my true beautiful naked goddess self.
- I am proudly walking in my pure beautiful divine nakedness at ___ Nudist Resort.
- I am in love with my pure divine beauty and nakedness.
- I am divinely filled with pure love for my beautiful naked body.
- I am proud to be a nudist (for men and women).
- I am proud of my beautiful naked body.I am proud of my pure divine beautiful nakedness.
- I am blessed with the most beautiful body I have ever seen.
- I am loving what I see in the mirror.
- When I look at my body in the mirror, I am in love.
- God is blessing my beauty and nakedness.
- God is blessing my beautiful naked body.
- I am proud of my body (for men and women).
- My body is so beautiful.
- I am proud of my beautiful naked body.
- I am God’s perfect creation (for men and women).
- My naked Goddess body sparkles and glissins beautiful.
- I am divinely free of all guilt and restrictions that society has put on me.
- I am free to be the ME I have always wanted to be. (for men and women).
- My inner God (or Goddess) is walking through the gates of the ____ Nudist Resort with me.
- I am safe (for men and women).
- I am experiencing pure divine heaven inside the gates of ___ Nudist Resort. (for men and women).
- I am beauty. My beautiful naked body is a divine expression of the true beautiful goddess within me.
- I am proud of my perfect beautiful Goddess hips.
- I am proud of my beautiful perfectly imperfect hips.
- I am proud of my beautiful perfect yoni (vagina).My yoni is beautiful.I am proud of my beautiful perfect breasts.
- I am proud of my beautiful perfect tummy.
- I am proud of my beautiful perfect yoni, breasts, tummy, thighs and hips. They are a divine expression of the true beautiful Goddess that I AM.
- I am Goddess. Here I come.
- I am a beautiful Goddess.I am Goddess beautiful.I am in love with my beautiful surgical scars. (for men and women).
- God is walking within my body. I am safe. (for men and women).
- My body is safe in God’s arms.
- I declare divine order for me at ____ Nudist Resort today. (for men and women).
- Divine love is working through me now in creating the perfect naked beautiful day for me today.
- I am embracing my beauty and nakedness.I am perfect in God’s Eyes.
- I am safe in God’s light. (for men and women).
- I am walking in the light. (for men and women).
- My body glows with beauty and perfection.
- I am a beautiful divine expression of the Goddess Aphrodite.
- God is blessing my beautiful perfect body.
- God is blessing my perfectly imperfect body. (for men and women).
- Divine love constantly glows through my body. (for men and women)
- I am so beautiful in my pure divine nakedness.
- I am so blessed in my pure divine nakedness. (for men and women).
- I am true to my authentic self. (for men and women).
- God is blessing my authentic self. (for men and women)
- I am walking in the pure divine expression of my authentic self. (for men and women).
- I am perfectly imperfect. (for men and women)
- Yes, I am imperfect, but I don’t care. (for men and women)
- It is no longer necessary to walk in my facade. I am real. I am beauty, and I am perfect as I am.
- I am ready to remove my facade, and be my authentic self. (for men and women).
- My body, mind, soul and spirit are a pure divine expression of my authentic self. (for men and women).
- My body, my mind, my spirit and my heart are together as one mighty force to be reckoned with.
- My body is a heavenly expression of my true authentic self.
- God is blessing my divinely sacred experience at ___ nudist resort.
- I am divinely ready to be in my perfect beautiful nakedness inside the gates of ___nudist resort.
- I am one with my natural goddess self.
- My beautiful perfectly imperfect body and I are blending in at ____ Nudist Resort. (for men and women).
- As a sacred Goddess, I am joyously free to express my beauty and feminity.
- Divine Love is working through me now in creating the perfect naked day at ____ Nudist Resort.
- I am feeling so loved and accepted at _____Nudist Resort.
- I AM whole and complete as I AM.
- All fear and shame disappear as I walk through the gates of ___Nudist Resort.
- Divine Love is working through me now in creating a beautiful sacred one with nature experience (for men and women).
- Divine love is working through me now in creating pure joy and body glory within my heart, mind, body and soul.
- I AM Goddess unleashed. I AM adventurous. I take risks, and I AM daring. I 100% love my body.
- 3 X 33 Manifestation Method
- A Powerful Attract Your Future Soul Mate Affirmation
- Sex Magnet Affirmations
- Sex Affirmations
- Sexy Goddess Affirmations
- Attract Love Affirmations
- Divine Love Affirmations
- I AM Affirmations
- Kissing Affirmations
- Releasing Affirmation
- Lost Love Affirmation
- Attract Money Affirmations
- Affirmations For Improving Communication
- Reunite Lovers Affirmation
- Affirmation for More Intimacy
- Divine Order Affirmations