Catherine Ponder Affirmations !!
Below is an affirmation by Catherine Ponder that I have used, treasured and loved. It actually changed my life.
Christ in me now frees me of all resentment or attachment toward or from people, places or things of the past or present. I am now in my true place, with my true people, and my true prosperity now.
Around the year of 1995, I purchased Catherine Ponder’s book, Open Your Mind To Receive, and immediately began repeating the affirmation that begins with “Christ in me…” only I substituted “Christ in me” for “God in me”.
In the early 90’s, I repeated Catherine Ponder’s affirmation 1/2 to 1 hour a day over and over again EVERYDAY out loud, and I never skipped a day. After two months, I was hired by the travel agency, Bare Necessities Cruises, who sponsor clothing optional cruises and take overs of cruise ships, to be a psychic on their nude cruise leaving the following February. I flew to Florida to board the cruise ship (from Southern California), and I had the time of my life. I connected with a lot of people from Florida and Atlanta on that cruise, and then I later visited them at a clothing optional resort in Pasco County, Florida (Paradise Lakes). I felt such a connection to all my new Florida friends and Pasco County, Florida, that I new someday (beyond a shadow of a doubt) that I would live there. The affirmation powerfully effected my life in such a way that I actually yearned to be in Florida. I felt connected there, but I knew it wasn’t the right time for me. I always said someday, because I didn’t think my family could handle me moving to Florida. In June of 2003, I went to visit some friends at Caliente Resort to see if I could live there. Caliente was a brand new resort. I was there for 3 nights. During my short time there, I knew I belonged there. The feelings I had could no longer be denied. I knew it was time, so I went home, rented out my condo, sold everything I owned (literally) and moved to Caliente Resort in Florida July 31, 2003. I am 100 percent positive that repeating Catherine Ponder’s affirmation got me there-even if it was 8 years later. I feel an unbelievable connection to the nudist community here in Pasco County Florida, and I have made some wonderful friends here.
UPDATE – It is now December 12, 2024. Although I absolutely love my life here at Caliente Clothing Optional Resort, and I am living my dream, yesterday, I began doing the affirmation to conjure up some excitement for the 2025. Who knows what life has to offer. Can’t wait to see what develops.
I am receiving. I am receiving now all of the wealth that the universe has for me now.
I am receiving. I am receiving now. All of the love that the universe has for me now.
I am receiving. I am receiving now all of the health that the universe has for me now.
Everyday in every way, I am growing richer and richer.
I give thanks for ever increasing health, youth and beauty.
I look younger, more attractive and healthier everyday.
All financial doors are open. All financial channels are free and endless bounty now comes to me.
I completely believe in the power of using divine love in affirmations. Divine love for me is God’s love. For me, it has always added God’s presence and power to my affirmations.
Divine Love expressing through me now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete.
Divine Love prospers me now.
Divine Love foresees everything, and richly provides everything now.
#CatherinePonder #prospering power #Wealth #Affirmation #CalienteResort #clothingoptional, #psychic #Nudecruise
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