Repeat the love affirmation of your choice 1/2 to 1 hour a day over and over again out loud out loud.
I Am Affirming Beautiful Amazing Divine !!
- I deserve to be happy and loved.
- Perfect magical love is happening between ___ and me right now.
- My magnetic sexy love vibration makes me irresistible to the perfect soul mate for me.
- Beautiful magical moments of perfect love are happening for me in my life right now.
- God's loving mood stimulators are working through me now in creating the perfect romantic evenings with the perfect soul man for me.
- Romantic sensual moments and feelings are happening between my perfect soul mate and and me.
- Loving energy penetrates every aspect of my life.
- I can see and feel the beautiful loving energy that is inside of me now..
- I deserve all the love that I have in my life.
- My heart is wide open to receiving love openly and freely.
- I feel so loved and wanted by my soul mate.
- God is raising my love frequencies to match with my soul mate's love frequencies.
- I see love in everything and everyone
- I allow love to flow freely into my life.
- My heart is always open, and I radiate pure love.
- Love is flowing freely into my life, and I accept this love without question.
- My bedroom radiates with the energy of love and romance .
- Absolutely no doubt about it, I 100% deserve love & sexual pleasure. Oh Yeah!
- Opportunities for love are abundant in my life.
- Loving syncronicities take place in my life all the time.
- I am loved by the most incredible man/woman in the universe. (let the universe find you deep love)
- I love myself no matter what.
- I am attracting perfect love to me now..
- I am ready for new love.
- Love flows to be in avalanches of abundance.
- My life flows in a river of deep love.
- My heart is open to giving and receiving love.
- Loving and being loved feels wonderful.
- My beautiful sexy soul expresses through me in wonderfully exciting ways.
- Divine Love expresses through me in wonderful magical ways.
- Perfect sexy beautiful romantic love is happening in my life right now.
- Romantic love surrounds and envelopes my relationship with ____
- I am a sexy and irresistible romance magnet.
- Wonderful magical and profound miracles are happening in my romantic life right now.
- I am thankful for all the love that I am able to give and receive
- I am thankful for all the love is in my life.
- I am worthy of being loved.
- I am loveable.
- I am focused on love and beauty.
- I am divinely drunk with the energy of love.
- I am irresistible to my soul mate.
- I am loved.
- I am loved by the most incredible man/woman in the universe. (let the universe find you deep love)
- I am emotionally available.
- I am the perfect partner for my perfect partner
- I am the perfect soul mate for my soul mate.
- I am attracting love, sex and romance into my life in the most unexpected and magical ways.
- I am attracting perfect love into my life in the most unexpected and magical ways.
- I am a love magnet.
- I am attracting handsome single and available men to me all the time.
- I am attracting beautiful single and available women to me all the time.
- I am surrounded by the Angels of Love and passion.
- I am experiencing an abundance of love and passion in my life.
- I am the most eligible and irresistible bachelor (or bachelorette) on the planet.
- I am already connected to my future soul mate & he is swiftly approaching.
- I am sexy, and I know it.
- I AM filled with pure divine sexy love.
- I am divinely sensual
- I am loved, wanted and adored by _______.
- I am experiencing a forever love between ____ and me.
- I am an unlimited magnificent being that deserves to be loved.
- I am a magnificent beautiful soul that deserves to be loved.
- I am willing to receive all of the love that is coming to me now.
- I am willing to receive a man who really loves me.
- I am already connected deeply to my life partner, and I receive that partner now.
- I am a sexy force to be reconed with.
- I am unforgettable.
- I am feeling super gorgeous.
- I am in love with my beautiful sexy hips.
- I am open to love, and I receive my beloved now
- I am a great catch.
- I am the Queen Of Hearts & my King Of Hearts is on his way.
- I am the King of Hearts & my Queen of Hearts is on her way.
- I am feeling emotionally & sexually alive.
- I am a sensual seductress.
- I am a super sexy heart throb
- I am a love finder. (as opposed to a fault finder)
- I am now attracting emotionally available men (or women) into my life.
- I am capable of deep love.
- I am an open channel for love
- I am overflowing with infinite love.
- I am opening my heart, mind, body and soul to love.
- I am raising my love condition.
- I am feeling love flowing through my heart.
- I am experiencing love in every aspect of my life.
- I am the love of my life.
- I am worthy of being loved.
- I am feeling worthy of being loved.
- I am experiencing divinely sensual and sexually amazing days.
- I am ready for a dreamy romantic adventure.
- I am in the most extraordinary relationship with the most extraordinary man/woman.
- I am a sex kitten. MEOW
- I am beautiful (or handsome) in the eyes of my beloved.
- I am ready for the love of my life to be in my life.
- I am easy to love.
- I am ready for a new beginning in love.
- I am married to my best friend.
- I am fearless in my quest for love.
- I am committed to being in an extraordinary relationship with the love of my life by__________. (state the date you expect this to happen by).
- I am a beautiful sexy force to be reckoned with.
- I am willing to release my fears about being in a committed relationship.
- I am touched by love every second of everyday.
- I am experiencing miracles in my love life right now.
- I am connected to everything and everybody.
- I am feeling connected to my heart.
- I am in love.
- I am lucky in love.
- The Angels Of Love are guiding me into the arms of my beloved.
- The Spirit Of Love knows my soul mate, and I am being guided to him/her.
- I am attracting love and wealth into my life in the most amazing ways.
- Sexy Juicy Love is happening between ____ and me right now.
- 3 X 33 Manifestation Method
- A Powerful Attract Your Future Soul Mate Affirmation
- Sex Magnet Affirmations
- Sex Affirmations
- Sexy Goddess Affirmations
- Attract Love Affirmations
- Divine Love Affirmations
- I AM Affirmations
- Kissing Affirmations
- Releasing Affirmation
- Lost Love Affirmation
- Attract Money Affirmations
- Affirmations For Improving Communication
- Reunite Lovers Affirmation
- Affirmation for More Intimacy
- Divine Order Affirmations