I Am Affirming Beautiful Amazing Divine !!

Divine Love Affirmations

Divine Love is God’s Love, and it is the strongest love there is. When we talk to God, we can ask for divine love to flow into our love lives, career, finances, etc, miracles happen when you choose to connect with Divine Love through affirmations. Some of the following affirmation involve other people. Please remember that you cannot change or force another person’s will on you. If it is against their will, repeating the affirmation will most probably not work. If you are not sure, please consider purchasing a phone or email reading from me.

Repeat one of the following affirmations 1/2 to 1 hour a day over and over again out loud when you are by yourself. Repeat them in the shower, while getting dressed, doing your hair, driving, etc. Make it part of your morning ritual everyday.

Affirmation for Divorce

 (This affirmation has helped many of my clients, and it can help you. It will work with you in creating everything you need in your divorce and everything should go in your favor).

Affirmations for Love, Sex and Romance

Affirmations for Career, Success and Prosperity

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