When you send soul kisses to your lover or ex lover, you can also send them love messages. For example, you can say “I love you so and so” or “Please come back so and so. It is like whispering sweet nothings into their ear; HOWEVER, that being said, you cannot change someone’s will to make he or she come back to you. If it does not work, STOP DOING IT IMMEDIATELY.
Sending your lover, your soul mate, your lost love or even a potential lover soul kisses is very easy to do telepathically. If you are familiar with creative visualization, then you are familiar with how to feel and experience the energy of kissing someone. You can either send telepathic soul kisses with your eyes open or your eyes closed. There is no right or wrong way to do this.
If you chose to send soul kisses with your eyes open, find a blank wall, and focus on the face and the lips of your soul mate, lost love, lover, twin flame, secret crush. See and feel the pink energy of pure divine love flowing to his/her lips. See and feel yourself french kissing your soul mate, your twin flame, your lover, your losr love or a secret crush. If you are feeling an intense energy in your chest area when you think about that special someone, it means that he or she is thinking about you at the same time. This is the perfect time to send telepathic soul kisse and french kisses to your special someone.
Hello Heather please hey Heather how are you this is Jules in the morning OK Radio show OK yeah do you know who I am or are you OK like maybe on accident hey I’m calling you today because where you go out on a date with somebody Play Imela we recently got an email about you from is name is Chris gelato OK yeah oh God oh God I feel so horrible I am going off yeah OK so you want nothing to do with it oh God I lost my phone I lost my phone like four days ago or something in got it today like literally like three hours ago I just called me and like trying to put on a condom no no I had a great time I I will landing on calling him my contact yeah I don’t really like him and we had a great time email him or call him and tell him that I will be calling him tonight actually on the other line listening I am away hi I’m sorry to I mean wake me up I’m so sorry that this happened I lost my phone and then like my whole world I am so sorry that you feel fine and yes I would yes I don’t know something usually something dramatic happens in this is kind of boring the more exciting no Stanley things are we here in a second from time to time like sometimes they were just one guy that we did and then he checked them in somewhere comments from his ex girlfriend by calling the girls horrible I couldn’t believe it I never wanna date a guy yeah definitely not I would not want to be a nightmare situation want to be a mean with a crazy acts like that and then I claim in the yeah that’s another thing she said Chris True matter of it psycho ex I can do crazy to you later on oh yeah movies about it good thing like that Heather I’m really happy oh God me too had an a while question would you like to go on a second date with Chris I will pay for it oh where to go anything else that you want to tell her I really Radio Beautiful lies that we had a lot of fun that was it congratulations Heather and Chris I hope you guys enjoy your evening out thank you because it could be your last she wants oh gnarly dude I mean Adalyn here and say that today’s update involves probably the worst first aid story we’ve ever had no no
Sending telepathic soul kisses with your eyes closed is actually called “Creative Visualization”. Close your eyes, and imagine that you are connecting with your soul matee, lost love, lover, twin flame, secret crush’s face and lips. See and feel yourself kissing him or her in the most passioate ways, and see your self melting into one as you french kiss him or her. . You will know when you are connecting. You can do this as well if you want to connect to a new soul connection that you don’t know. I suggest that you do this soul kissing process about 15 minutes a day.
Please ignore the first minute where we are trying to figure out how to do a Facebook live.
Watch my youtube video on the do’s and dont’s about what to ask when receiving a feelings psychic reading by phone or zoom from me on what your soul mate, lover, ex lover is feeling about you. This also applies to email readings. As a professional attract your soul love psychic medium since 1985, I will work with YOU in helping you to interpret what your lover or ex lover is feeling about you. Believe it or not, you have the ability to communicate with your lover or ex lover telepathically.
I am YOUR cosmic love whisperer, psychic medium, feelings love psychic, soul communicator, I am all about love BABY! My clients over the years have asked me to communicate with their lover, soul mate, ex lover, and give them messages from them. My expertise as a feelings love psychic is to channel your Soul Mate, your lover or your lost love’s deepest most hidden thoughts, feelings and intentions towards you and if you have a future together; HOWEVER, I CANNOT AND WILL NOT SEND THEM MESSAGES for you. Here is why: If these messages are not sent BY YOU, there could be a major miscommunication.
This prompted me to write about how to send sexual energy and emotional messages and soul kisses to soul mates, lovers and lost loves from afar.
Before you embark on your telepathic soul to soul communication journey, I recommend that you find out if it is not against his or her will to reconnect with you.. If it is against their will, you might push them further away and cause a lot of confusion within them. This is where I come in. I will do an email or phone reading/zoom reading to channel where their head space is when it relates to you. Click here or find the perfect psychic love reading for you below.
Soul Mates, Karmic Lovers & Past Life Connections Psychic Love Reading
$67.50 Add to cart -
Sexual Feelings with Future Psychic Prediction Psychic Love Reading, 300-350 Words
$47.50 Add to cart -
100-150 Words Psychic Love Reading – Your Lover’s Hidden Romantic Feelings For You With Future Love Prediction
$27.50 Add to cart -
1 Hour Zoom Psychic Parties
$200.00 Add to cart
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