I Am Affirming Beautiful Amazing Divine !!

Here are a few great lost love affirmations to rekindle things between you and your soul mate, your special someone, your heart’s delight, your beloved. Repeat one of the following affirmations of your choice out loud over and over again 1/2 to 1 hour a day everyday without skipping a day. Make it part of your morning ritual. Repeat them in the shower, while you are getting dressed, applying your makeup, doing your hair, shaving and driving. The longer you repeat your affirmation, the better.
- I am divining dancing in the moonlight with the love of my life, _______.
- Divine love is working through me now in rekindling the love, joy and intimacy between ______ and me.
- Divine love is working through me now in bringing _____ back to me.
- _____ wants to marry me as much as I want to marry him.
- _____, my soul mate, loves me as much as I love him.
- I am loved, wanted and adored by ____, and he/she cannot deny his/her love for me.
- Wonderful incredible awesome miracles are happening between ______ and me right now.
- God is blessing the loving communication between _____ and me.
- Archangel Chamuel (archangel of love) is rekindling the love, joy and intimacy between ____ and me.
- Divine love is working through me now in rekindling the love, joy and intimacy between _____ and me.
PLEASE NOTE that if it is not in his/her will to come back, this affirmation will not work. Pink Chick Psychic can channel your lost love, your lost soul mate’s feelings for you, and if you have a future together.

- 3 X 33 Manifestation Method
- A Powerful Attract Your Future Soul Mate Affirmation
- Sex Magnet Affirmations
- Sex Affirmations
- Sexy Goddess Affirmations
- Attract Love Affirmations
- Divine Love Affirmations
- I AM Affirmations
- Kissing Affirmations
- Releasing Affirmation
- Lost Love Affirmation
- Attract Money Affirmations
- Affirmations For Improving Communication
- Reunite Lovers Affirmation
- Affirmation for More Intimacy
- Divine Order Affirmations