You can just call me the Affirmation Queen, because there is not a day that goes by that I don’t repeat affirmations. Through affirmations, I know that things don’t have to stay stuck and appear hopeless. Affirmations keep me in a positive frame of mind, so I can draw into my life whatever I desire to have. Affirmations can give you hope for the future in any area of your life, and they can create an aura of excitement in your life. i am grateful to have discovered the wonderful world of affirmations.I posted this video on youtube a couple of months ago, and I just had to share it with you all. I love this beautiful video, because it helps single men and women connect to their heart center and find love. Love cannot flow through a heart that has been wounded by rejection, grief, abandonment, etc.
A heart that is closed keeps love away. A heart that is open draws love to it on a daily basis.