
Designer Reiki Healing Love Transformation Packages – 6 Healings

Designer distance reiki healings.

Original price was: $367.00.Current price is: $300.00.



Begin your journey to heal and change your life with this 1-2 week (2-3 per week) transformational Reiki Healing Package. All reiki healing transformational sessions will be done at non-specific times. I will send your healing by chi ball (energy ball), and you can meditate and call in the energy at a time convenient for you. You actually do not have to meditate and call in the energy if you do not wish to, because each Reiki healing is done by intention-yours and mind. This Reiki healing transformational includes a free 300-350 word psychic reading BEFORE your first session. ($47.50 value). I will do your first session  immediately after I do your phone reading.   Please choose 1 ISSUE ONLY for your Reiki Healing sessions  from the list for your designer reiki healing sessions.  You will receive an email after each session that your Reiki healing has been completed.

This Reiki healing package of 6 designer healings ($300) & a free 500-550 word psychic reading ($67.50 value)

  • Releasing negative karma from this lifetime and all other lifetimes-Includes releasing negative and stuck energy within you. Also includes releasing negative Karma between couples
  • Healing your inner child – Includes fear of intimacy and commitment and abandonment and  rejection issues. If you have trouble getting men or women to commit, I usually find that the person I am doing a healing on has intimacy and commitment issues as well. You cannot let love in unless
    you release all the fear, grief, shame, sadness, trauma, anger, etc. that is covering your heart.
  • Bringing Divine Order into your life, certain situation or relationship
  • Chakra Cleansing and balancing
  • Clearing up guilt – Jewish guilt, sexual guilt, etc.
  • Inner and Outer Clutter – Release what no longer serves you in your home, so that you can heal your life and move forward to a more abundant and rewarding life.
  • Raising your soul vibration
  • Healing a broken heart and moving forward in your life.
  • Raising your life condition – When you raise your life condition, miracles happen with money, career, love, etc.
  • Creating a wealthy aura/prosperity consciousness – raising your wealth frequency.
  • Angel activation – love, romance, abundance & prosperity, etc.
  • Angel Power Healing – Activating your Sexual Angels,
  • Raising your Sensual and Sexual Vibration
  • Weight loss
  • Rekindling the flame of love, passion and desire within you, Discovering the true inner lover within you
  • Bringing in your soul mate/twin soul
  • Income Booster Shots for Business Websites,  ebay stores, etc.
  • Removing blocks to prosperity and abundance (not associated with income booster shots for your website).
  • Body Beautiful – For Women or Body Handsome for men.
  • Yoni Healings for women
  • Wild God or Goddess Healings – Bring out the tantric sexy God or Goddess within you.
  • Healing your childhood issues with your mother or father. The relationship you have with your father is how you have it with men in your adult like, and same goes for men with their mothers.
  • Falling in love with your body
  • Pheromone Activation to attract the opposite sex
  • Reiki Healings for emotional issues in a relationship which prevent you from being in a successful relationship. Removing emotional blocks within you that are preventing you from being in a healthy relationship with a man/woman.This healing is NOT to bring your lover or lost love back.
  • Reiki Healings for Singles opening themselves up for love.
  • Reiki healings to help you remove blocks to remembering your dreams.
  • Goddess Activations – Feel connected to the inner goddess within you.
  • Angel Activations
  • Reiki Healings for people with writers block.
  • Paradigm Shift from Scarcity to Abundance.
  • Paradigm Shift from believing you are unlovable & unworthy to believing that you are lovable & worthy.


Additional information

Reiki Healings

Recover from Surgery, Release Negative Karma, Heal your Inner Child, Bring Divine Order, Chakra Cleanse & Balance, Clearing Guilt, Inner & Outer Clutter, Raise Your Soul Vibration, Heal a Broken Heart, Raise Your Life Condition, Create a Wealthy Aura, Angel Activation, Angel Power Healing, Weight Loss, Clear Depression, Rekindle the Flame of Love, Bring in your Soul Mate, Income Booster Shot, Body Beautiful, Yoni Healings for Women, Wild God / Goddess Healings, Heal Childhood Issues, Fall in Love with Your Body, Pheromone Activation, Emotional Issues in a Relationship, Singles Seeking Love, Remember Your Dreams, Goddess Activations, Writer's Block, Angel Activation 2, Paradigm Shift, Paradigm Shift 2


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