Pkg. of 12 Fifteen Minute Dream Guidance For Your Love Life – Includes 1 Dream Reiki Attunement & 1 Psychic Reading

12 sessions  –   $675

Open up this product to watch one of my youtube videos describing a dream that I had after I programmed my dream with the Magician from Radleigh Valentine’s Archangel Power Tarot Deck. 



A man and a woman in love and holding each other close. 12 Dream Coaching and Psychic Love Readin
12 Dream Coaching and Psychic Love Reading Sessions

IMPORTANT – If you purchase a 15 minute Dream Coaching Session and psychic love reading conbination , and then you decide to turn your  dream coaching and psychic love reading combination session into the package of 10, you have 48 hours to decide. You will have the amount of your initial purchase deducted from th


10 week dream coaching program (1 session per week). 

In this program, your homework will be to come armed with your recent dreams written down in full detail. 

Transform your life and awaken the inner  dreamer in you through this series of ten 30-minute sessions. Here is what you will receive and experience:

  1. Includes one 15 minute psychic reading on your love life valued at $50 (recommended for BEFORE your first dream coaching and guidance session..
  2. Includes 1 Reiki Attunement Dream System that I created. It comes with a manual, and you can call in this attunement daytime and night time anytime you want.  Valued at $75 – Venus Love and Lust Reiki Attunement System OR Goddess Guinevere Dream Reiki Attunement OR Angel Mihael Soul Mate Dream Attunement. 
  3. Discover how to program your dreams for receiving guidance in manifesting your soul mate, improving your relationship healing blockages that are preventing you from manifesting a soul mate, etc.
  4. Dream Recall – Discover how to remember your dreams.
  5. Dream Programming – Discover how to program your dreams with the right dream guides for you, and I will guide you in calling in more then one dream guide at a time. You can call in the mythical god and goddess, archangels, angels ascended masters, etc.
  6. Discover all about dream partnerships.
  7. Discover how setting up your dream alter and your relationship alter.
  8. You will receive powerful Oracle Card Messages from the Divine
  9. My updated 2022 Ebook, The Dreamers Guide To Creating The Sexy Juicy Soul Mate Of Your Dreams. To be Completed 6/15/22.

With whatever time is left over after the dream coaching session is over, I will do a psychic reading and either an oracle card message   on your love life, sex life, romantic life, feelings readings, soul mates, lost loves or a Tarot Card Message from one of Radleigh Valentine’s Tarot Card Decks. It will be beneficial in guiding you into which God/Goddess/Archangel/Angel to program your dreams with .

 I am clairvoyant,  clairsentient & I do automatic writing (through my third eye) + I own over 50 different oracle card decks that I channel through. 


If you would like to purchase ONE dream coaching session, please email me at




Mythical Goddesses

Aine – Goddess Aine is the Celtic Goddess of love and desire, Soul Mate Sexuaity, Romance, Fertiity.  You can call her in for invoking love spells. She is a teacher of love, and she can help make your visions of love a reality. Aine is a deeply passionate deity.

Ausrine – Goddess Ausrine is the Goddess of love and romantic love. Program Ausrine into your dreams emotional healing, rebirth, new beginnings, sensuality.

Aphrodite (Venus) – Goddess Aphrodite is the Goddess that you want to incubate your dreams for finding true love, romantic happiness, beauty, sexual love, Fertility, removing love blockages, for becoming more sexually and emotionally available, requited love and more.

Flidais – The Celtic Goddess of Sensuality and Lady of the Forest is Flidais. and she has a changing and transformative aspect of the feminine. Legends tell us that she could really change shape and become what she wanted. When her archetype is activated in us, we also see ourselves and the world in a different light.

Gueneviere – If you are wanting to work with a powerful. Goddess of Love and  Relationships, Goddess Guenevier is the perfect Goddess to work with,  and we can call upon her to help us with romance, love, and relationships. She can lend us her dazzling, intoxicating charms so that we can wreak havoc in the world of men! She can be called upon to help us find our soul mate.

Isolt – If you are looking for dreamy romantic adventures, new love, passion, lost loves, fertility Than Goddess Isolt is the perfect Goddess to do Dream Incubation with. . Her energy is not only a very strong healing energy, but also has an attracting force. She promotes devoted love and helps one to improve sexual expression within a relationship. Goddess Isolt teaches us about the power, endurance and unity of love.

Lalla – Soul mates, Rekindling Lost Loves, Sexual Awakening is what Goddess Lalla ia known for.

Malavishk – Work with  Goddess Malvishk, a Love Goddess who will assist you in reconnecting with your femininity, your softness and feelings of being beautiful.

Oonagh –  Known as a Goddess of devotion in love relationships, Goddes Oonagh brings unconditional love to relationships, so you will be willing to keep your commitment through thick and through thin.

Peithos – Call in Greek Goddess Peithos if you are a woman who wishes to marry. Whichever suitor proves to be the most charming and persuasive is said to be guided by peitho (persuasion) and should be the one the woman must marry. Peitho also protects the bond of marriage.

Rati -Program your dreams with the Hindu goddess of love, Goddess Rati for passion, sexuality, desire and pleasure. Rati is the Hindu equivalent to Aphrodite. She is beautiful and her body is ripe and full of womanly essence. Rati is here to prove to you that a woman does not need to be a perfect “10” for a man to want her. Men desire a partner who loves lovemaking and desire lovemaking; one who completely surrenders to her passion in active lovemaking and enjoys herself completely without shame or guilt.

Sjofn – Ooh I love Goddess Sjofn. She is a powerful love Goddess who gets men and women to fall in love with each other and stay in love.

Mythical Gods

ADONIS -Program your dreams with this breathtakingly handsome spirit, ADONIS. He is fun, gorgeous and a divine lover in every sense of the phrase. He is a deity of pleasure. Women can program into their dreams in for some erotic delights while they sleep and to feel beautiful and sexy, and men can program him into their dreams to become irresistible and to feel handsome and sexy.

ANGUS MAC OG – The IRISH LORD OF LOVE, Angus MAc Og encourages vivid romantic dreams, removes seemingly impossible obstacles in your relationship and love life, opens your heart to receiving and accepting, feeling, trusting and giving love. He also guides you in healing your broken heart and in creating your own new love story that comes to live in your own reality.  Click here for the ANGUS MAC OG Dream Lovers Reiki Attunement system.

ANTEROS (Aphrodite’s Son) – ANTEROS is the Greek God of requited (mutual) love and passionate unions. He was also the punisher of those who scorned love and the advances of others, or the avenger of unrequited love. He can help you uncover the true reasons why you do not allow yourself to be loved and then work with you on a regular basis to resolve your issues of choosing emotionally unavailable men or women.

CUPID – Roman God of desire, affection and erotic love and VENUS’S son (ROMAN GODDESS OF LOVE) and his father was MARS (GOD OF WAR). His Greek counterpart is Eros. CUPID is also known in Latin as AMOR (“Love”). The Amores (plural) are the equivalent of the Greek EROTES. I have programmed CUPID into my dreams, and he has shown me my emotional blocks to love, and he has given me some “ah ha” moments in the process.

EROS (Aphrodite’s Son) – EROS is the God of passion and romantic and erotic love. Once when I brought Aphrodite into my meditation, EROS appeared. I did not know at the time who Eros was, so when I came out of my meditation, I searched the internet for details about him.

MORPHIUS –MORPHIUS is the LORD OF DREAMS, PROPHETIC DREAMS, SOUL MATE DREAMS. I once progranmed Morphius into my dreams, and before I could even fall asleep and with my eyes still open, I heard him speak to me in another language so clearly and very loudly. Of course, I had no idea what he said. Morphius is also known as The Sandman.

THE SANDMAN – The Sandman is a mythical character in European folklore. For those who want to get a good nights sleep, call in Mr Sandman. He puts people to sleep and encourages and inspires beautiful dreams by sprinkling magical sand onto their eyes.

OSIRIS – Egyptian God of the underworld and the Afterlife. He was also known for granting all life. I have added Osiris to this list, because I have had great success in programming my dreams with him for visiting a past life while I am sleeping and dreaming.


ARCHANGEL ARIEL – Program ARCHANGEL ARIEL into your dreams for deeper lovemaking and for calming the waters in arguments, & she can also help prevent a lover from cheating. For me, I have called her into my dreams to work out issues in my love life.  You can also call her in for working with you for greater prosperity.

ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL – Archangel Chamuel is known as the Archangel of love, you can program him into your dreams to assist you seeking a new juicy soul mate or if you want to improve an already existing soul mate relationship. If you do not think you are worthy or loveable, he is excellent at clearing your negative emotions too.

ANGEL DARACHIEL – Program ANGEL DARACHIEL into your dreams for finding new love and deepening a friendship.

ANGEL DONQUEL – ANGEL DONQUEL is known as one of the angels of Venus. Both men and women can program him into their dreams for finding true love/twin souls, intimate relationships and romance; however, he is usually called upon by men to find them the right woman.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – I have programmed ARCHANGEL MICHAEL into my dreams for travel protection and for guidance in choosing the right relationship for me.

ANGEL MIHAEL – ANGEL MIHAEL is the angel of lasting soul mate/twin flame love. Angel Mihael brings me beautiful messages of love when I program him into my dreams. When I meditate with him, I received the affirmation “I am pure love and magnificence”.  I am the founder of the Angel Mihael Soul Mate Dream Reiki Attunement for sale here in my Dream Store.

Archangel Raphael – The healing Archangel, Raphael will help your heart to heal from lost relationships and from your past in general. A heart cannot love if it is covered in grief, sadness, abandonment issues, anger, etc. He will also open your heart to an already existing or new love.

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Pink Chick Psychic - Love Psychic Readings For Soul Mates And Lovers
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