Pink Chick Psychic's Blog is All About Love BABY & Also About Tapping Into Her Own Creative Genius Through Dream Programming To Manifest A Soul Mate Relationship

A First Timers First Visit to Caliente Clothing Optional Resort

UPDATE:  This blog post was written about 6 years ago. For a short time, I  dated a  gentleman who had never experienced the nudist lifestyle before. On our 3rd date, I brought him to Caliente during the day, so he could experienced the nudist lifestyle for the first time. With his permission, I posted part of a letter that he wrote to a friend  about his experience. He should be a writer.

I really am lost for words to describe today’s experience at the Caliente Resort.  I guess I’ll start from the beginning.  I drove the 30 minutes to Land O Lakes wondering what it would be like to walk naked in the world.  Would my body be adequate for public display?  Since I had committed to doing this thing, much like when I jumped from an airplane in my 40’s just to get the experience of facing fear and conquering it, I was about to take the leap from the world of clothed bodies to the world of nakedness.  I arrived at Pinks house at 9 am after being passed through by the guard at the gate of a large concrete wall that surrounded the community.
I gathered my towel and sunscreen and headed to Pink’s door.  She greeted me at the door wearing not much more than sunglasses and a smile.  After a greeting hug and kiss, we headed to the parking lot where her pink golf cart was parked.  Before going to the clubhouse, Pink took me on a tour of the beautiful ½ million dollar homes in the complex.  For all intents and purposes, it looked like any other upscale neighborhood that I had been in with people walking dogs, working in flower beds, jogging and riding bikes, other than they were all naked.
We arrived at the luxurious clubhouse and claimed our chairs near the pool for the day’s activities.  We then went to the café and had a yummy breakfast and chatted for a while, Pink in her birthday suit and I in white satiny shorts and a tank top.  People were already starting to gather for the day’s festivities so we moved to our selected seating near the 4 acre pool complete with a 12 foot waterfall and three islands covered with palm trees and other tropical growth.  On our way to our beach chairs, Pink excused herself to go to the ladies room.  I walked over next to the pool and was ready to take the leap from clothes to nudity.  I pulled off my tank top and felt the delicious warmth of the morning sun.  I dropped my shorts and felt that warmth all over my body for the first time in many years.  The difference was that there were now a number of naked bodies surrounding mine.  As I gazed around at the variety of bodies that were present, it occurred to me that I was no more imperfect than anyone else.  It was a freeing and exhilarating feeling.
Pink returned from the ladies room to see me blending into the crowd of nudity.  After some compliment about my body, she asked how I felt about being publicly naked.  I responded that I actually had no problem with it since I was not alone.  We then took a naked stroll around the compound, where we encountered some of the people that I had met on my first night there (fully clothed).  She introduced me to some more of her neighbors and friends.  By this time, the sun was beginning to heat up our bodies and we got into the pool to cool off.  People were already gathering in the cooling water and the crowd was getting larger.  Pink jumped on my back and I gave her a piggy back ride around the pool, taking in the beauty of my surroundings and the gathering of flesh that had arrived.  By the time that the band arrived, the best way that I can describe the number of people that were either in the pool or gathered in the surrounding area is to say that it was like tractor pull night at the Monroe County Fair.  You could not walk in a straight line due to the over 1,000 naked bodies that were in attendance.  Most people might think of this as a very sexual charge atmosphere but they are wrong.  I didn’t feel any sense of arousal.  In fact, I barely noticed the 2,000 tits and 1,000 asses that I walked among.  
People acted much like a large group of bathing suit clad people in the world of the clothed.  They danced, drank, ate, gathered in small groups of friends, tanned their bodies by the pool and socialized.  The difference that stood out in my mind was that everyone was extremely open, friendly and having fun.  Being free of childhood taboos, organized religious laws and Hollywood / Wall Street imposed bullshit body images is a most enlightening experience.  Everyone, regardless of how perfect they portray themselves has issues with their appearance.  After having spent 9 hours wandering through a sea of nakedness with my own body exposed for all to see, I can honestly say that I no longer am haunted by the mirror.

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