I have been single for quite awhile, and I know that I have in the past attracted soul mate connections who have a fear of intimacy, which is why I can guide you through the highs and lows of love and the clear signs that your soul mate and lover has a fear of intimacy.
Soul mate connections are powerful connections, and these connections can be very difficult to get over. We all have more then one Soul Mate connection in our lifetime. Even though you have met a soul mate, it doesn’t mean you will live happily ever after with him or her. If you have a pattern of constantly recreating relationships in your life where you, your soul mate, lover, ex lover has a fear of intimacy issues, you most probably have a fear of intimacy yourself.
If your fear of intimacy is very strong within you, you could create a a relationship with someone who has a fear of intimacy as well,and that situation can create drama in your relationship. Emotional intimacy is sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with another, of being deeply seen and known, of sharing love, passion, laughter, joy. True intimacy fills our souls and takes away our loneliness.
The main forms of intimacy are emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy. Intimacy can be described as “into me you see”. When you surrender to intimacy, you are allowing someone to get so close that they can actually see and feel your soul. For some people, that could be pretty darn scarey.
Intimacy is a feeling of intense closeness emotionally and sexually. As we go through life, most people experience heartache and rejection at one time or another. As a result they develop barriers to their hearts and souls.
I have created a beautiful Reiki Attunement called INTO ME YOU SEE REIKI ATTUNEMENT. This Reiki Attunement is honoring the works of Stan Dale, the founder of the Human Awareness Institute for teaching me and thousands and thousands of others about love, intimacy and sexuality. He has since passed on, but his memory will always hold a special place in my heart and the hearts of those who got to experience his powerful teachings and his powerful presence. He was an amazing man. You will learn more about HAI in the manual. CLICK HERE FOR THE INTO ME YOU SEE REIKI ATTUNEMENT
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