Last night, a girlfriend of mine and I decided to be dream partners for each other. This is something that we had not done in a few years. I called into my dreams the Magician and The Star from the Radleigh Valentine’s Archangel Power Tarot Deck for myself, and then upon her request, I called in the King Of Cups and the Lovers from a regular Tarot deck for her dream. She did the same for herself and me. As you might have guessed, we were wanting to open the way for a new soul mate for each one of us. I imagined and felt that all the blocks were gone to manifesting our soul mates.
In my dream, I had many different writing projects that I was keeping very busy juggling all at one time. One project had four projects in it, and there was another separate project. There were other people around, and they were doing their own projects. One guy wanted to put his writing project on the other side of my table. I told him no, because my project belonged there, not his. All of these projects (especially the 4 in 1 project) had to be done by Thanksgiving. My friend did not remember her dreams in the morning.

For a long time, I have had two beautiful feathers on my dream alter that were given to me and blessed by Denise Linn. I am a Certified Gateway Dream Practitioner through Denise. This morning when I woke up, and to my surprise, I found my two beautiful feathers on the floor of my bedroom. All I could think of was WOW! My friend and I are powerful dream partners for the feathers to fly off my dream alter when they have never done that before.
For me, this dream showed me that the seeds are being planted for me to meet my future soul mate. Since the beginning of Covid, I have taken quite a few online workshops. At the moment, I am taking Radleigh’s Angel Tarot Card Certification Course. Next weekend, I am taking an online live zoom weekend workshop with Marianne Williamson. In October, I am taking a Lucid Dream Online Course and in November, I am taking Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within on Zoom. I am pretty sure that there is room for one more online course in there somewhere. I am learning about the amazing power of the Archangels, and literally all of these online courses that I am taking now and have taken previously are changing my life. I am thinking that perhaps all these workshops are indirectly getting me ready to embrace my future soul mate when he comes in. Perhaps the man that put his writing project across from me was not the right man. I am making room for the right one .