Manifest Your Dream Lover And Soul Mate Through Your dreams.

Enjoy Your Dream Journey!

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It is my deepest belief that we should ask the Universe who is for our soul’s highest and best good as far as manifesting the perfect soul mate or twin flame for us. wWe should never try to control the outcome of a relationship, which is why I have always given my love life to God. Now also as a dreamer, I give my love life to  Gods, Goddesses, Archangels and Angels. and I experience the beautiful messages that are meant for me to receive in my dreams. These messages give me guidance in all aspects of my life. 

Before you go to sleep and as you are lying in bed, call in your favorite Gods, Goddesses, Archangels and Angels, etc. into your dreams, and ask them to introduce you to the perfect right sexy juicy soul mate/ twin flame on the Astral Plane (your Dream Lover). You may have to call them more then once before your dream of meeting your dream lover (soul mate/twin flame) comes to you on the Astral Plane. When you meet your soul mate/twin flame on the Astral Plane, you might kiss,make love, talk, hold hands, etc. It will feel very real.  When this happens, know without a shadow of a doubt that he or she will come into your life in the physical world; and it will be like a love at first site connection. After you have had your dream, write down in detail your dream. You will be surprised by how it comes true exactly as you dreamed it. 

In Chapters 8 and 9 of my Kindle Ebook, “The Dreamers Guide To Creating The Sexy Juicy Soul Mate Of Your Dreams“, I listed a number of MYTHICAL GODS and MYTHICAL GODDESSES, ANGELS and ARCHANGELS that you can program  into your dreams.  In addition, I have linked the names with the REIKI HEALING Systems in case you are interested in purchasing one of the systems.

Click here to purchase a Dream Coaching Session from me by phone.


Mythical Mystical Goddesses

AEVAL – GODDESS AEVAL was a Celtic Irish Goddess, and she was known for holding midnight court to determine whether the complaints of Irish women regarding their men’s sexual performance were justified. If found guilty, the men were instructed to provide proper sexual satisfaction and ordered to deliver such to their women. If you are in need of greater sexual fulfillment, she is your goddess to program into your dreams.

 AINE (Pronounced Anya) – GODDESS AINE was a Celtic Goddess and Fairy Queen of love and desire, soul mates, sexuality, romance and fertility.  You can call her in for invoking love spells. She is a teacher of love, and she can help make your visions of love a reality. Aine is a deeply passionate deity. I have worked with her in meditation and in my dreams for healing my inner child. 

 AUSRINE– GODDESS AUSRINE was a GODDESS of love and romantic love, emotional healing, rebirth, new beginnings, sensuality.

APHRODITE  – GODDESS APHRODITE was a Roman Goddess for finding true love, romantic happiness, beauty, sexual love, fertility, removing love blockages, for becoming more sexually and emotionally available, requited love and more.

CHUANG-MU – GODDESS CHUANG-MU was the CHINESE GODDESS of the bedroom. Call her into your dreams for love, sex, passion, sexual ecstasy, improving your relationship, insomnia, etc.

FLIDAIS – GODDESS FLIDAIS was the CELTIC GODDESS of Sensuality and Lady of the Forest has a changing and transformative aspect of the feminine. Legends tell us that she could really change shape and become what she wanted. When her archetype is activated in us, we also see ourselves and the world in a different light.

GUINEVERE– GODDESS GUINEVERE was a powerful Goddess of Love and Relationships, and one of my most favorite MYTHICAL GODDESSES to program into my dreams. You can call upon her to help you find romance, love, and beautiful relationships. If you ask, she can connect you with her dazzling, intoxicating charms so that you can make yourselves irresistible to men! She can be called upon to help you find your soul mate. I have a very strong connection with her. There are times when I feel her thinking about me so strongly that I know she is calling out to me to work with her in my dreams. I have a beautiful combination Reiki system available in my Dream Store, called GODDESS GUINEVERE TRUE LOVE DREAM REIKI ATTUNEMENT which includes the Reiki healing system and my dream programming system. CLICK HERE.

ISIS – GODDESS ISIS is the perfect goddess to work on in your dreams for past life issues.

ISOLT– I have meditated with the dreamy romantic energy of  GODDESS ISOLT, and she can bring you a new love or rekindle a lost loves. Her energy is not only a very strong healing energy, but also has an attracting force. She promotes devoted love and helps one to improve sexual expression within a relationship. Goddess Isolt teaches us about the power, endurance and unity of love.

KAMAKHYA – GODDESS KAMAKHYA is the Tantric Mother Goddess for love, desire, eroticism.

LALLA – She is the Arabic Version of the name Eve. She is the Eve of the Garden of Eden fame.  Invoke her in your dreams for the purpose of finding romantic happiness, for finding your soul mate, for rekindling your lost love and for your sexual awakening.

LILITH – GODDESS LILITH will empower you to stand in your own power. She brings rebirth and honor, so that you can fully express your personal freedom and sexual passion. Rise up to strength and reclaim your own divinity as the Goddess that you are.

MALAVISHK – GODDESS MALAVISHK is an Etruscan LOVE GODDESS. Program her into your dreams when you want to reconnect with your femininity, your softness and feelings of being beautiful.

OONAGH – GODDESS OONAGH is the Irish Goddess of devotion in love relationships. She brings unconditional love to your relationships, so you will be willing to keep your commitment through thick and thin.

PEITHO – GODDESS PEITHO  is the Goddess of Persuasion. Program her into your dreams if you are a woman who wishes to marry. Whichever suitor proves to be the most charming and persuasive is said to be guided by Peitho, and should be the one the woman must marry. Peitho also protects the bond of marriage.

RATI  GODDESS RATI is the HINDU GODDESS of love, passion, sexuality, desire and pleasure, she is the Hindu equivalent to Aphrodite. She is beautiful and her body is ripe and full of womanly essence. Rati is here to prove to you that a woman does not need to be a perfect “10” for a man to want her. Men desire a partner who loves lovemaking and desire lovemaking; one who completely surrenders to her passion in active lovemaking and enjoys herself completely without shame or guilt.

SHEELA-NA-GIG – GODDESS SHEELA-NA-GIG is a guiding influence for us in embracing our sexuality and to be proud of our bodies. She helps us to let go of sexual shame and guilt and to embrace our beautiful YONI (vagina), and she helps us let go of fear, shame and guilt over expressing, embracing and enjoying our sensual and sexual selves. The GODDESS SHEELA-NA-GIG is a wonderfully uninhibited Goddess in all her naked splendor.

SJOFN– GODDESS SJOFN is a powerful Norse Love Goddess who gets men and women to fall in love with each other and stay in love.

VENUS – ROMAN GODDESS VENUS is the Equivalent to Aphrodite – Love, Sex, Feminine Beauty, Prosperity. I am the founder of the VENUS LOVE AND LUST DREAM REIKI ATTUNEMENT SYSTEM, which you find here in my Dream Store.

THE EROTES – THE  EROTES were the winged gods of love, a multiplication of the god EROS. EROS (Love), HIMEROS (Desire), POTHOS (Passion), ANTEROS (Love Reciprocated), ANTHENIAN (for seeing the softer side of yourself and for gay men), HEDYLOGUS (Sweet Talk and Flattery), HYMENAIOS  (fear of commitment).

Program them into your dreams either separately or together.


Mythical Mystical Gods

ADONIS -Program your dreams with this breathtakingly handsome spirit, ADONIS. He is fun, gorgeous and a divine lover in every sense of the phrase. He is a deity of pleasure. Women can program into their dreams in for some erotic delights while they sleep and to feel beautiful and sexy, and men can program him into their dreams to become irresistible and to feel handsome and sexy.

ANGUS MAC OG – The IRISH LORD OF LOVE encourages vivid romantic dreams, removes seemingly impossible obstacles in your relationship and love life, opens your heart to receiving and accepting, feeling, trusting and giving love. He also guides you in healing your broken heart and in creating your own new love story that comes to live in your own reality.  Click here for the ANGUS MAC OG Dream Lovers Reiki Attunement system.

ANTEROS (Aphrodite’s Son) – ANTEROS is the Greek God of requited (mutual) love and passionate unions. He was also the punisher of those who scorned love and the advances of others, or the avenger of unrequited love. He can help you uncover the true reasons why you do not allow yourself to be loved and then work with you on a regular basis to resolve your issues of choosing emotionally unavailable men or women.

CUPID – Roman God of desire, affection and erotic love and VENUS’S son (ROMAN GODDESS OF LOVE) and his father was MARS (GOD OF WAR). His Greek counterpart is Eros. CUPID is also known in Latin as AMOR (“Love”). The Amores (plural) are the equivalent of the Greek EROTES. I have programmed CUPID into my dreams, and he has shown me my emotional blocks to love, and he has given me some “ah ha” moments in the process.

EROS (Aphrodite’s Son) – EROS is the God of passion and romantic and erotic love. Once when I brought Aphrodite into my meditation, EROS appeared. I did not know at the time who Eros was, so when I came out of my meditation, I searched the internet for details about him.


OSIRIS – Osiris is the Egyptian God of the underworld and the Afterlife. He was also known for granting all life. I have added Osiris to this list, because I have had great success in programming my dreams with him for visiting a past life while I am sleeping and dreaming.


Angels And Archangels

ARCHANGEL ARIEL – Program ARCHANGEL ARIEL into your dreams for deeper lovemaking and for calming the waters in arguments, & she can also help prevent a lover from cheating. For me, I have called her into my dreams to work out issues in my love life.  You can also call her in for working with you for greater prosperity.

ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL – Archangel Chamuel is known as the Archangel of love, you can program him into your dreams to assist you seeking a new juicy soul mate or if you want to improve an already existing soul mate relationship. If you do not think you are worthy or loveable, he is excellent at clearing your negative emotions too.

ANGEL DARACHIEL – Program ANGEL DARACHIEL into your dreams for finding new love and deepening a friendship.

ANGEL DONQUEL – ANGEL DONQUEL is known as one of the angels of Venus. Both men and women can program him into their dreams for finding true love/twin souls, intimate relationships and romance; however, he is usually called upon by men to find them the right woman.

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL – I have programmed ARCHANGEL MICHAEL into my dreams for travel protection and for guidance in choosing the right relationship for me.

ANGEL MIHAEL – ANGEL MIHAEL is the angel of lasting soul mate/twin flame love. Mihael brings me beautiful messages of love when I program him into my dreams. When I meditate with him, I received the affirmation “I am pure love and magnificence”.  I am the founder of the Angel Mihael Soul Mate Dream Reiki Attunement for sale here in my Dream Store.

Archangel Raphael – He is a healing Archangel, and will help your heart to heal from lost relationships and from your past in general. A heart cannot love if it is covered in grief, sadness, abandonment issues, anger, etc. He will also open your heart to an already existing or new love.


Other Powerful Dream Partners That You Might Want To Program Into Your Dreams

Besides the potential DREAM PARTNERS listed above, here are some other potential DREAM PARTNERS that you might want to consider programming into your dreams. If there is a mystical dream partner calling out to you this is not on this list, go ahead and add them to your list. Each has their own healing modalities, and they are ready to help you. All you have to do is ask. Of course my book, The Dreamers Guide To the Sexy Juicy Soul Mate Of Your Dreams, has more detailed information in it.



Ascended Masters


Your Spirit animal



Spirit guides


Your higher self 

A loved one who has passed on

Your free spirit


Your soul

The universe

Your current soul mate

Your future soul mate

Your inner goddess (for women)

Your inner God

Your inner child

The planets 

The stars

The moon

Healing crystals




Indian Spirits

The Sky


The Ocean

All of nature

Your special tree

The Sandman

Santa Claus

Your fairy godmother

Your tooth fairy


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