Hello everyone! In the last week or so, my beautiful dream blog of many years disappeared; and in spite all attempts to recover it by my webmaster, it could not be saved. I am now creating a new blog, and it feels like a new beginning for me. Luckily enough I journal my dreams every morning. Soon I will be blogging my dreams again, and other great information.

I am a professional psychic medium with my prime focus on love and relationships, soul mates , twin flames, and their feelings for you + future love predictions. I am also a Usui Reiki Master, and a Certified Gateway Dream Practitioner (through Denise Linn). Becoming a dream coach,learning how to program my dreams and now teaching others how to heal themselves through their dreams changed my life in ways I never thought possible.
I was born and raised in Southern California, and then 16 1/2 years ago on a whim I moved to the Tampa area of Florida to live in a clothing optional resort. I’ve never looked back. I love living here. It is never boring. I have a closet full of clothes that I NEVER wear, so I go on singles cruises just so I can get all fancied up. I will soon be going on my 5th singles cruise, and I cannot wait. I also love going to personal growth workshops (on and off line), so I can continue to learn and grow. I know that I am a never ending work in progress, and I am loving the journey. I am nearing the end of my 60’s, and I am never going to stop taking workshops and evolving. Last year, I woke up one morning thinking “Why do I always say I am not creative. I am creative, and I am going to start making earrings. Since I have discovered the creative side of myself “making pink earrings”, I am now selling them in my Poshmark Closet..
I believe that there is a Goddess within each one of us ready to be unleashed. Do we need permission? Heck no! Let’s fly!
Let’s celebrate the Goddess within us!