My Dream- The Excited Man, The Gift Of Pink Lingerie And A Missed Opportunity

I asked my guardian angels Joseph and Jonathan and Archangels Michael and Raphael to work with me in my dreams last night by pointing me in the right direction for my love life.

In my dream, I showed up somewhere, and this guy who I actually know casually (whose name shall remain anonymous) was there. He was so excited to see me that he picked me up, and was twirling me around. It felt so real. We were both very happy to see each other. It was his birthday, and I walked in to see people giving him gifts. Someone handed me some beautiful pink lingerie. I woke up around 3:30am from that dream, and I felt this guy’s energy. I knew that he most probably had a similar dream about me.

I immediately went back to sleep, and dreamed about what looked like an ipad to me. It was as if I I was unable to get my emails, phone calls or messages. I just couldn’t connect with them. I asked a man if he would help me. He fixed it, because when I went into the room where the ipad was, it was ringing and ringing and ringing. but I still couldn’t find the place to pick up the call and answer it. I missed the call. I did, however, eventually figure out how to answer the lost call.


It all started last evening when my date stood me up. We had talked in the morning, and he was looking forward to seeing me as I was seeing him. I met him through, and we had a lunch date for about an hour a few days before. I should have seen the red flags (or in my case pink flags), because he walked me to my car after our 1 hour lunch, and he tried to kiss me. I was not quite ready for a kiss. After that, he was already texting good morning sweetheart and good night sweetheart. Although they are lovely gestures, I barely knew him. So yesterday morning, we spoke on the phone, and he let me know that he would be to my house at 6pm. I told him that I barely got any sleep the night before, so it would not be a long night. I guess he thought that he wouldn’t get lucky, which is why he stood me up. I went on to block him; however, he beat me to it, and he blocked me. I am grateful that my angels protected me from him.

Now back to the dream. As far as the ipad not working and missing the call, that feels like a missed opportunity for romance. As a single woman, like many of my clients, I am searching for love. It feels like I am having difficulty making the connection.

As for the man that I know who was so excited to see me that he picked me up and twirled me, we met a few months ago on a cruise. After talking to him, it became very clear to me that he was emotionally unavailable. For that reason, I did not encourage anything with him. I do, however, feel surprised by his presence in my dream and the gift of pink lingerie. I also know that it could be someone completely different coming into my life, but the angels are letting me know that there will be intimacy and romance coming soon for me. They just put a face to the dream, so that I could relate to it. No more emotionally unavailable men for me.. I have had dreams of men before, and it is almost always not the same person who shows up in my dream. It feels to me like there could be an opportunity for romance with someone in my future due to the gift of pink lingerie. I have also been feeling this guy that I know from my dream pretty much all day.

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